Effects of Preferred versus Nonpreferred Music on Bench Press Performance A Replication and Extension Study

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Jasmin Hutchinson
Jennifer Murphy
Bianca DeLucia
Elizabeth O'Neill
Diana Curtis
Kathleen Mellano
Luke Pelton
Nicholas Coker


Replication is a fundamental aspect of scientific research, yet few replications have been conducted within strength and conditioning. In this paper we attempt to replicate and extend previous research on the effects of preferred (PREF) vs. nonpreferred (NON-PREF) music on bench press performance and motivation using a close replication of a study by Ballmann et al. (2021). The replication sample included 28 resistance-trained men (Mage = 20.5 years, SD = 1.5), while the extension sample (n = 47) comprised resistance-trained men and women (Mage = 20.6 years, SD = 1.5). Participants listened to PREF and NON-PREF music in a repeated-measures counterbalanced design, while completing bench press repetitions to failure (RTF). Concerning the replication attempt, we found no difference between music conditions for RTF (p = .545, Cohen’s dz = .12), and the replication and original effect sizes were incompatible (z = -1.88, p = .036). For motivation there was no difference between music conditions (p = .084, dz= .34) and the effect size estimate was incompatible with the original (z = -4.44, p < 0.001). Thus, the original study findings were not replicated. In the extension study, a two-way ANOVA showed no interaction or main effects of sex and music genre on RTF (p > .05). There were, however, main effects of sex (p = .015) and genre (p = .025) on motivation. In addition, attentional focus was different (more dissociative) for PREF vs. NON-PREF music (z = -3.11, p = .002), but perceived exertion did not differ between music conditions (p = 1.00, dz = .00). Results indicate that music preference does not have a robust effect on bench press performance and associated psychological factors. Athletes, exercisers, and practitioners are encouraged to utilize music that complements the task rather than considering genre preference.


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How to Cite
Hutchinson, J., Murphy, J., DeLucia, B., O’Neill, E., Curtis, D., Mellano, K., … Coker, N. (2024). Effects of Preferred versus Nonpreferred Music on Bench Press Performance: A Replication and Extension Study. Communications in Kinesiology, 1(6). https://doi.org/10.51224/cik.2024.60
Exercise and Sport Psychology


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